간혹 축제나 거리에서 '못 박기' 게임해보셨나요? 망치로 못머리(nail head)를 내리쳐서 못을 박아야 하는 게임인데요 이게 생각만큼 쉽지가 않습니다. 정확함이 필요한 게임입니다. 'hit the nail on the head'가 바로 정확하게 못머리를 내리치는 것을 의미합니다.
Definition of 'hit the nail on the head' - 정확히 맞는 말을 하다/요점을 찌르다
- used to say that what someone has said is exactly right - 누군가 말한게 정확하게 옳을 때
- to do or say something correct - 맞는 말을 할 때
- find the exact answer - 정확한 대답을 찾았을 때
- to precisely describe the cause of a problem or situation - 상황/문제의 원인을 정확하게 짚을 때
못머리를 정확하게 내리친 것처럼 누군가 말한 게 정확하게 옳았거나 딱 맞는 답을 찾았거나 문제의 원인을 정확하게 이야기할 때 쓰는 표현입니다.
Example Sentences
- Sally doesn't say much, but every time she does, she hits the nail right on the head.
- This color of paint you chose for the house looks great, I think you hit the nail on the head.
- Do you know what my favorite color is? If you guessed blue, you hit the naile on the head - 내가 가장 좋아하는 색이 뭔지 알아? 만약 파란색이라고 생각했다면 제대로 짚은 거야.
- Stephen hit the nail on the head when he said that what the company was lacking in was clear vision and focus-Stephen이 그 회사에 부족한 것은 비전과 집중이었다고 정곡을 찔렀어
- The foreman hit the nail on the head when he said that the machine had malfuctioned because of a faulty spark plug.
- "You've found the problem, Joe! You hit the nail on the head!". - Joe, 네가 문제를 찾았구나. 너가 제대로 찾아냈어!!
- He hit the nail on the head when he said that most people won't change their ways and continue to blame the system for all their ills.
- When my car didn't start, a friend of mine took one look and said that it's because of a dead battery. IT seems like he hit the nail on the head.
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