S.Korea to send another plane to evacuate remaining nationals in Wuhan Friday evening
South Korea will send second chartered flight to the Chinese city of Wuhan this evening to fly out some 350 stranded nationals.
Charted flight : 전세기
Stranded : a person or vehicle that is stranded is unable to move from the place where they are (발이 묶인)
National : someone who officially belongs to a particular country (국민)
The plane will depart from Gimpo International Airport at 08:45 PM, Korea time. The evacuees are subject to quarantine checks before the flight and those who show any kind of symptom will not be allowed on board
depart from : ~로 부터 출발하다 (Leave for : ~를 향해서 출발하다)
evacuees : 피난민
be subejct to : ~의 대상이다
The passengers will also be thoroughly screened upon arrival before being transferred to two government facilities where they will be isolated for 2 weeks.
thoroughly : 철저하게
Screen : to test or examine someone or something to discover if there's anything wrong with him/her or it(검사하다)
Those with symptom will be transported to state-designated hospitals. The first batch of 368 people arrived in South Korea this morning on the first chartered flight. South Korea had initially planned to use two chartered flights each on Thursday and Friday to evacuate some 700 nationals that had applied for evacuation but China has approved the use of only one plane.
Symptom : 증상
evacuate : 대피하다
apply for ; 지원하다