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Learning English/영어회화 표현

[영어표현] Get carried away

by 유리면봉 2020. 4. 12.



 I shouldn't have behaved like that. I just got carried away.

위 문장은 어떤 내용일까요? 오늘의 표현은 Get Carried away입니다. 혹시 위 문장을 이해 못하신 분이라면 이 포스팅을 다 보시고 나서 나가시기 전에 다시한번 이 문장을 보시기 바랍니다 ^^


 Get(be) carried away

- To be so excited, angry, interested that you're no longer really in control of what you do or say, or you forget everything else

- to be moved to great or unreasoning emotion or enthusiam

- to become so excited about something that you do not control what you say or do


- 쉽게 이야기하면 통제가 안될 정도로 자제력을 잃고 흥분하거나, 화를 내는것...을 의미합니다.


그럼 예문을 보고 표현을 문장속에서 다시 살펴보도록 할까요?




There's far too much food - I'm afraid I got a bit carried away


The manager warned the young players not to get carried away by the emotion of the occasion

The crowd were carried away by his passionate speech


Let's not get carried away - the deal could still fall through

She gets carried away at Christmas and spends too much money on everything

Sophia got carried away by the emotion of the occasion and burst into tears

I get carried away when I go shopping and spend far too much money

Sorry, I got a little carried away there. I just love talking about my favoriate artists


I got completely carried away and almost cried


예문에서 보다시피 Get carried away사이에 a bit / a little / completely등을 넣어서 사용하면 표현의 정도를 보다 다양하게 이야기할 수 있겠네요.


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내용이 유익했다면 "공감" 부탁드리고 다른 영어표현도 많이 있으니 구독하셔서 자주 들러주세요 ^^.

그럼 오늘하루도 즐겁게~~ 보내세요!!


- 유리면봉 - 


