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Learning English/영어회화 표현

[영어표현] scoff (laugh at, make fun of, poke fun at) : 비웃다

by 유리면봉 2022. 9. 24.

If you can't do any better, don't scoff!  너가 더 잘할 수 없다면 그만 비웃어줄래?


오늘은 '비웃다'라는 의미의 scoff를 익혀보도록 하겠습니다.

Scoff (at) :  비웃다 (or 빨리 먹다)

- to laugh and talk about a person or idea in a way that shows that you think they are stupid or silly

- if you scoff at something, you speak about it in a way that shows you think it is rediculous or inadequate 

- If you scoff food, you eat it quickly and greedily - 음식을 게걸스럽게 빨리 먹어치우는걸 의미하며 'scarf down'와 비슷한 의미로 보시면 되겠습니다.

  • 주로 비웃음 대상앞에 전치사 at 을 사용해줍니다 (at + idea/person/plan etc) 
  • laugh at 도 비슷하죠




  • The critics scoffed at his paintings - 그 평론가들이 그 사람 그림을 비웃었어
  • Years ago people would have scoffed at the idea that cars would be built by robots - 수년전에는 많은 사람들이 로봇이 차를 만들거라는 생각을 비웃었을텐데 말이야
  • It's easy to scoff when you haven't tried it yourself - 너가 아직 직접 시도해보지 않았다면 쉽게 비웃겠지(해보면 생각이 달라질걸?)
  • Economic analysts scoff at claims that inflation is on the rise- Econimic analysts들은 인플레이션이 오르고 있다는 주장을 비웃었다
  • They scoffed at my new hat, not reaslizing how stylish it was - 그들은 내 새 모자가 얼마나 스타일리쉬한건지도 모르면서 비웃었더라.
  • He scoffed when she told him that she planned to become an actress
  • Who scoffed all the grapes? - 누가 포도를 다 먹어 치웠지?


 Synonym 유의어


laugh at someone/something : to show that you think someone or something is stupid

  • The other kids laughed at his haircut
  • If they laugh at what you think you can do, just stay that way

make fun of : to make unkind insulting remarks about someone or something / If you make fun of someone or something, you laugh at them, tease them, or make jokes about them in a  way that causes them to seem ridiculous

  • You're always making fun of me!
  • I'm not making fun of you. I admire what you did.

poke fun at : to make fun of someone in an unkind way

  • Some of the kids where poking fun at Judy because of the way she was dressed
  • Late night comedy shows often poke fun at politicians



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내용이 유익했다면 "공감" 부탁드리고 다른 영어표현도 많이 있으니 구독하셔서 자주 들러주세요 ^^.

그럼 오늘하루도 즐겁게~~ 보내세요!!


- 유리면봉 - 


