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Learning English/영어회화 표현

From what I hear 내가듣기로는, as far as I know 내가 알기로는

by 유리면봉 2022. 11. 18.

 우리가 이야기를 하다 보면 "알기 듣기로는" "내가 알기로는" 이런 표현 많이 사용하게 되죠? 당연히 영어로 이야기할 때도 이런 표현을 쓰게 됩니다. 오늘은 "내가 듣기로는"의 영어 표현 from what I hear 또는 from what I've heard에 대해서 알아보겠습니다.





From what I hear / from what I've heard - 내가 듣기로는

used for giving information based on what people have told you rather than on what you know is true.

"내가 알기로는"의 의미 "as far as I know" 처럼 "내가 듣기로는, 내가 들은 바로는"의 표현 from what I hear, from what I heard, from what I've heard도 유용하게 쓸 수 있는 표현이니까 꼭 익히셨으면 좋겠네요.


  • From what I hear, you deserve it
  • This is a masterpiece in filmmaking from what I hear.
  • From what I hear, not much has changed.
  • From what I heard he lives at like a trailer park.
  • Their lectures, from what I've heard, are all really nice.
  • From what I've heard, it's not required to tip with Uber.


만약에 누구에게 들었는지를 이야기를 하게 될 경우엔 "From what I heard from Mike," 이렇게 끝에 'from + 사람'을 추가해서 이야기해주면 됩니다. 

  • From what I heard from my manager, Mark is going to leave the company.
  • From what I've heard from my mom, we're going on a short family trip next month.





As far as I know - 내가 아는 한

You can say this when telling someone what you know so far, when there could be other facts you don't know.

"내가 알기로는" 이런 의미로 내가 맞을수도 있지만 틀릴 수도 있는 경우입니다. 영영사전에서도 '내가 모르는 사실이 있을 수 있을 때"라고 되어 있죠? 


A: "Everyone is coming to the office today, as far as I know."

B: Jamie isn't. She changed her mind. She is going to work from home today.

  • As far as I know, she has nothng to do with the accident.
  • As far as I know, the company will give us a bonus at the end of this year.
  • As far as I know, he is still in London

As far as I'm concerned - 내 생각에는, 내가 볼때는

You can say 'as far as I'm concerned' to indicate that you are giving your own opinion

이 표현은 내 의견을 이야기할때 "내 생각에는, 내가 볼 때는"의 의미로 as far as I'm concerned을 쓸 수 있습니다. My opinion is, 또는 in my opinion과 비슷하다고 보시면 됩니다.


That's fine, as far as I'm concerned.

Ice-cream is the dessert, as far as I'm concerned.



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