오늘 알아볼 표현은 바로 That being said 입니다. 이 표현을 처음 접했을때 들었던 생각이 지금도 나는것 같네요ㅎㅎㅎ;;. 뭔가 문법적으로도 안맞는것 같고 또 말이 안되는 표현(?)이라는 생각이 들었었거든요...
앞서 언급한거에 대비되는 이야기를 할때 사용하는 표현
- "That being said" implies that you're about to contradic or modify what has just been said
- With that being said, 또는 Having said that으로도 사용
That being said는 앞에 언급한거에 반대되는 이야기를 할 때 사용할 수 있는 표현으로 "그렇지만/그렇긴 하지만" 의미로 이해할 수 있을 것 같습니다.
이 표현은 But / However / nevertheless / nonevertheless / despite 과 유사한 의미이지만 Spoken English에서만 사용하시고 Written English에서는 사용하지 않으시기를 권장합니다. 특히나 중요한 문서나 비즈니스 이메일의 경우에는 안쓰시는게 좋습니다. 그만큼 That being said가 Informal 한 표현이라고 볼 수 있겠죠..
He's a really expensive worker. That being said, he does his work really well
He's a really expensive worker. Having said that, he does his work really well
We made a very big profit on that investiment. That being said it was very risky
You were very very rude to her. That being said she deserved it.
Your new job pays really well. That being said, you have absolutely no free time
The new laws are very draconian. That being said, crime has decreased significantly
The first part of that exercise was really easy. That being said, the second part was almost impossible
Yesterday it rained a lot when we went out . That being said, there were some sunny periods
The staff has worked fairly well. Having said that, I still think there's scope for improvement
He forgets most things. Having said that, he always remembers my birthday
This cafe is expensive. Having said that, the food is awsome.
I don't really like baseball. That being said, if you buy me a ticket, I'll go to the game
I think the actress is very pretty. That being said, she isn't as beautiful as my girlfriend
다른 영어표현 배우기
2020/04/13 - [Learning English/영어회화 표현] - [영어표현] the in thing - 유행을 영어로...
[영어표현] the in thing - 유행을 영어로...
안녕하세요? 오늘은 "요즘 ~ 하는게 유행이야/~가 핫해~"등 어떤게 유행이다..라고 표현할 때 쓸 수 있는 영어표현, the in thing에 대해서 알아보도록 하겠습니다. 먼저 영영사전에는 The in thing을 어떻게 풀이..
2020/04/01 - [Learning English/영어회화 표현] - [영어표현] by the time ~할때쯤이면
[영어표현] by the time ~할때쯤이면
안녕하세요? 오늘의 표현은 " by the time" 입니다. 생각해보니 지금까지 이 표현을 거의 사용해보지를 않았던 것 같아서 오늘을 계기로 이 표현을 자연스럽게 쓸 수 있도록 노력을 해야겠네요. 제 경험상 이렇게..
내용이 유익했다면 "공감" 부탁드리고 다른 영어표현도 많이 있으니 구독하셔서 자주 들러주세요 ^^.
그럼 오늘하루도 즐겁게~~ 보내세요!!
- 유리면봉 -