주변에 '뭐든지 잘 먹고 탈도 안나는 사람들' 있죠? 같은 걸 먹어도 난 배탈이 났는데 아무렇지도 않은 사람들....이런 경우 쓸 수 있는 표현이 오늘 알아보려고 하는 "You have an iron stomach" 입니다! 여러분은 iron stomach를 가지고 계신가요? Do you have a cast iron stomach?
(= to have a cast iron stomach)
- having a stomach that can handle spoiled food or drink and not be affected by it
A: What happens? You don't look good
B : I have a stomachache. There must've been something wrong with what I had for lunch today
A: Really? But we both ate at the same place. What's wrong? I'm totally fine now~
B : You have an iron stomach! My stomach, on the other hand, is not as strong as yours
My dog must have an iron stomach.
Stomach와 관련된 몇가지 표현을 더 알아볼까요?
Have a strong stomach - 비위가 강하다
- To be able to see or do things that are unplesant without feeling sick or upset
- To able to smell, taste or see unpleasant thing without feeling ill or upset
- The ability to experience or witness something unpleasant without becoming upset, nauseous, squeamish.
You need to have a very strong stomach to be a surgeon.
You must have a strong stomach if you're eating pickles with peanut butter.
That horror movie we're going to see is pretty gory. I hope you have a strong stomach!
Upset your stomach
- To affect your stomach and make you feel sick.
예문 The soup was revolting and upset my stomach
Upset stomach - 배탈 (=stomach ache)
- an illness that affects the stomach and makes you feel sick
I've got an upset stomach. Serves me right for eating so much.
I took some medicine for my upset stomach.
Settle your stomach - 속을 달래다
- To make you feel less sick
Drink this tea. It will help to settle your stomach.
He might have some medicine which is good for settling your stomach.
He is going to get you something to settle your stomach.
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내용이 유익했다면 "공감" 부탁드리고 다른 영어표현도 많이 있으니 구독하셔서 자주 들러주세요 ^^.
그럼 오늘하루도 즐겁게~~ 보내세요!!
- 유리면봉 -