유비무환(有備無患)이란 표현 아시죠? 영어에서도 후회하는것보다 조심하는게 낫다라는 표현이 있는데요 그게 오늘 살펴볼
"Better safe than sorry" 입니다.
- said when you think it is best not to take risks even when it seems boring or difficult to be careful
- It is wise to be careful protect yourself against risk rather than be careless
- used to say it's better to be careful, even if it takes time, effort etc, than take a risk that may have a bad result
이 표현은 (It's) better (to be) safe than sorry -- 이 문장이 better safe than sorry로 축약된거예요.
Better safe than sorry 예문
Set the alarm - better safe than sorry! - 알람맞춰~ 나중에 후회하는것보다 조심하는게 좋아
I think I will take my unbrella along - better safe than sorry - 우선 가지고 다닐래 - 나중에 후회하는거보다 조심하는게 나아
Make sure you take an umbrella. I know it's sunny now but better safe than sorry.
- 반드시 우산챙기도록 해. 지금은 화창하지만 나중에 후회하는것보다 조심하는게 좋아
It's probably not necessary to check the figures again, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
- 어쩌면 그 수치는 다시 확인할 필요는 없을수도 있겠지만 나중에 후회하는것보다 조심하는게 나아
I was so nervous about oversleeping that I set three alarms. Better safe than sorry.
- 늦잠 잘까봐 너무 걱정돼서 알람을 세개나 맞춰놨어. 나중에 후회하는것보다 조심하는게 나아
It might be nothing but you should take your car to mechanic right now. Better to be safe than sorry
- 아무 문제도 없을수도 있지만 정비소에 차를 가져가보는게 좋을 것 같아. 나중에 후회하는것보다 조심하는게 낫잖아
A stitch in time saves nine
- 첫 단추를 잘 꿰어야 한다
There seems to be something wrong with my car. It's better to get its check-up as stich in time saves nine.
A: This tire is a little low
B : Go ahead and pump it up
A : I'm sure it will be fine until tomorrow
B : Yeah, but you could also have a flat tire before then. .You know what they say,"a stich in time saves nine"
Prevention is better than cure
- 예방이 치료하는것보다 좋다
- If we spend more money on education, so that children learn to be responsible citizens, we won't have to spend so much money on prisons. Prevention is better than cure.
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그럼 오늘하루도 즐겁게~~ 보내세요!!
- 유리면봉 -